Tenderly is a full-stack Web3 development infrastructure that helps developers build, stage, test, and monitor decentralized applications. It provides Virtual TestNets for staging and testing in mainnet-like environments, with public and private verification support for both Hardhat and Foundry.
Create a Virtual TestNet
Both Hardhat and Foundry examples will use a Virtual TestNet as contract deployment and staging infrastructure.
Provision a new Virtual TestNet and place the RPC URL in the variable:
Foundry verification
To verify contracts with Foundry, follow the instructions in the Tenderly documentation. Tenderly offers etherscan-like verification API so all you need to do is use the correct verification url.
When working with Virtual TestNets, in case you use a custom chain ID, you also must extend foundry.toml
with information for the custom chain.
1. forge create
forge create Counter \
--etherscan-api-key $TENDERLY_ACCESS_TOKEN \
--private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY \
--verify \
2. forge script
forge script script/Counter.s.sol:CounterScript \
--private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY \
--etherscan-api-key $TENDERLY_ACCESS_TOKEN \
--broadcast \
--verify \
--verifier-url $TENDERLY_VERIFIER_URL \
3. forge verify
forge verify-contract $COUNTER_ADDRESS \
Counter \
--etherscan-api-key $TENDERLY_ACCESS_TOKEN \
--verifier-url $TENDERLY_VERIFIER_URL \
Hardhat verification
To verify contracts with both hardhat-verify
and hardhat-ignition
, follow the instructions in the Tenderly documentation.
1. Install Tenderly CLI
Install the Tenderly CLI and follow the prompts of tenderly login
brew tap tenderly/tenderly
brew install tenderly
tenderly login
2. Set up hardhat
Extend hardhat.config.ts
with following configuration:
- Add the
plugin - Add the
network - Add the
plugin and configure it with the Tenderly - Add the
plugin configuration, and set up the Tenderlyaccess key
import { HardhatUserConfig } from 'hardhat/config';
import '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox';
import '@tenderly/hardhat-tenderly';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: '0.8.27',
networks: {
tenderly_linea: {
url: process.env.TENDERLY_ADMIN_RPC_URL_LINEA || "",
chainId: parseInt(process.env.TENDERLY_CHAIN_ID_LINEA || "-1"),
etherscan: {
apiKey: {
tenderly_1: process.env.TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY!,
tenderly_8453: process.env.TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY!,
customChains: [
network: 'tenderly_linea',
chainId: parseInt(process.env.TENDERLY_CHAIN_ID!),
urls: {
apiURL: `${process.env.TENDERLY_ADMIN_RPC_URL}/verify/etherscan`,
browserURL: process.env.TENDERLY_ADMIN_RPC_URL!,
tenderly: {
project: process.env.TENDERLY_PROJECT_NAME!,
username: process.env.TENDERLY_ACCOUNT_NAME!,
accessKey: process.env.TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY!,
export default config;
3. Verify the contract
For hardhat-ignition
, run the following command:
npx hardhat ignition deploy ./ignition/modules/Counter.ts --network tenderly_linea --deployment-id deploy-1
For hardhat-verify
, run the following command:
npx hardhat deploy --network tenderly_linea